La Rana con Hipo

The Frog with Hiccups 🐸

*Reading Time: 2 minutes

Once upon a time, there was a little frog named Tita who lived in a pond surrounded by flowers and green plants. Tita loved to jump, sing, and eat mosquitoes. Every day, after breakfast, she would sit on her favorite leaf to sunbathe and croak happy songs.

One day, something very strange happened. After drinking water too fast, Tita felt a strange jump in her tummy. Hip! Hip! HIP!

“Oh no!” said Tita, surprised. “What is this? I can’t stop making this funny noise!”

The other animals in the pond began to notice. RamĂłn the toad, who was always nearby, asked:

“What’s wrong, Tita? Why are you making that sound?”

“It’s the hiccups!” replied Tita, worried. “I don’t know how I’m going to get rid of them.”

RamĂłn scratched his head, thinking.

—I heard there are lots of ways to get rid of hiccups. Maybe you should try something fun.

Tita decided she would do everything she could to make the hiccups go away. First, she tried a big jump in the air.

—One, two, three… giant jump! —she shouted as she made a huge jump.

PLAF! She landed in the water, but when she came out… HIC! The hiccups were still there.

—Oops, I still have the hiccups! —said Tita, shaking the water droplets off her skin.

Then, Lola the turtle, who was swimming calmly, suggested:

—They say that if you drink water slowly, the hiccups go away.

Tita ran to the nearest puddle and drank water slowly, as if she were a princess drinking tea.

—Mmm… this water is delicious —she said, but right after… HIC! The hiccups hadn’t gone away.

Now Tita was tired of trying things. She sat down on her favorite leaf and sighed.

“I don’t think I’ll ever get rid of my hiccups…”

Just then, a hummingbird named Pip flew by.

“I know! I heard that if you get really scared, the hiccups go away. Let me help you!”

Pip flew behind Tita and yelled loudly:


Tita jumped up in fright, but then looked at the hummingbird and laughed.

“Ha, ha, ha! That didn’t scare me one bit,” she said, but again… HICKS!

Just when Tita thought nothing would work, something magical happened. While she was laughing and playing with her friends, the hiccups disappeared without her noticing.

“I did it!” Tita shouted happily. “I don’t have the hiccups anymore.”

All the animals clapped happily.

“Bravo, Tita!” —they said at the same time.

From then on, Tita learned that sometimes the best way to feel better is to play and have fun with friends. And every time someone in the pond had hiccups, everyone knew what to do: play and laugh until the hiccups went away!

And so, Tita continued jumping, singing, and eating mosquitoes, but now she always drank water slowly, so that the hiccups would never come back.

End. 🐸

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