El Trencito Curioso

The Curious Little Train 🚂

*Reading Time: 2 minutes

Once upon a time, there was a little wooden train named Pipo. He was small, red, and shiny, with wheels that spun very fast when you pushed him. Pipo loved exploring the house because he always found new and exciting things.

One morning, Pipo decided to leave his box on the playroom shelf. “Stay still!” said a teddy bear from atop the furniture. But Pipo didn’t want to stay still. He wanted to discover what lay beyond.

First, Pipo went down the ramp of the bookshelf. How fun it was to roll so fast! When he reached the floor, he saw something big and yellow. It was… Tomás the cat! The cat was sleeping on a soft rug.

“Hello, Tomás,” Pipo whispered, but the cat didn’t move. He just flicked his tail as if to say, “Don’t bother me.” Pipo continued on his way, curious to see more.

Next, he entered the kitchen. Everything there was noisy: tick-tock went the clock, and plop-plop went the water dripping from the faucet. On the table, there was something round and white. Pipo thought it was a small moon, but as he got closer, it smelled like cheese.

“It’s for the pizza!” he exclaimed happily. He loved pizza. As he kept exploring, he saw a teapot whistling. “It looks like a singing snake,” he thought, and his wheels spun even faster with excitement.

Then, Pipo went to the bathroom. There was a huge mirror where he could see his reflection. He looked at himself carefully: his wheels were perfectly round, his body was shiny, and he had a smile painted on his wooden face.

“How handsome I am!” he said, laughing. But then he heard a strange noise… chap chap chap! It was the toothbrush moving inside a glass. Pipo jumped in surprise but soon laughed. “This place is full of surprises,” he thought.

Finally, he reached the balcony. Outside, the sun was shining, and the flowers danced with the wind. He saw butterflies flying and birds singing. Everything seemed so big compared to him. Suddenly, he felt a cold drop on his head.

“What’s that?” he asked, astonished. It was rain. The drops fell on him, making him shine even brighter.

Pipo ran back inside, leaving tiny wet footprints on the floor. All the toys were waiting for him in the playroom.

“Where were you, Pipo?” asked a rag doll.

“I went exploring,” he replied proudly. “I saw Tomás the cat, a cheese moon, a singing snake, and even drops from the sky. What an adventure!”

Everyone clapped excitedly. That night, as Pipo rested in his box, he dreamed of new places to discover. He knew that, although he was small, the whole world was full of wonders waiting for him to find them.

And so, every day, Pipo remained the most curious and happiest little train of all. Because for him, there was nothing better than learning something new.

End. 🚂

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