La Aventura de Belinda la Abeja

Belinda the Bee’s Adventure 🌸🐝

*Reading Time: 3 minutes

Belinda was a very hardworking bee who lived in a large, bustling hive alongside hundreds of other bees. Her favorite job was flying through the fields to search for flowers full of sweet nectar. Unlike her friends, who always followed the same safe routes, Belinda had an enormous curiosity. She loved exploring new places and discovering bright-colored flowers that no one else had seen.

One sunny morning, as all the bees left the hive in a line to start their day, Belinda decided to take a different path. “Today I want to see something new,” she thought excitedly. She flew beyond the meadow where they usually worked, toward a small grove she had never visited before. There, she found incredible flowers: some were blue like the sky, others red like ripe apples, and some even had strange shapes that seemed to smile at her.

While collecting nectar from a giant yellow flower, Belinda noticed a special glow among the bushes. It was a flower so beautiful that she couldn’t resist it. Its petals were a bright purple with golden dots that looked like stars. Without thinking twice, Belinda approached to investigate. But when she finished filling her tiny nectar pouch, she looked around and realized something worrying: she didn’t know how to get back to the hive!

The forest now seemed much bigger and more confusing. The tall trees blocked the sun, and the buzzing of her fellow bees could no longer be heard. Belinda tried to remember the way, but everything looked different from this unfamiliar place. She began to feel nervous, but soon she remembered what her mother had taught her: “If you ever get lost, look for clues in nature.”

Determined to find her way home, Belinda carefully observed her surroundings. First, she saw a group of butterflies fluttering near some bushes covered in white flowers. She thought they might be able to help her. “Hello, butterflies,” said Belinda in a trembling voice. “Do you know where the big hive near the meadow is?”

The butterflies stopped to listen and then responded: “We know that place, but it’s very far from here. You should follow the river that runs through the forest; it will lead you close to the meadow.” Belinda thanked them and flew in the direction they pointed.

When she reached the river, she felt better because the water flowed in a clear direction. As she followed its course, she encountered a frog sitting on a rock. The frog looked at her with its big eyes and asked: “What is a little bee doing so far from home?”

Belinda explained that she had gotten distracted looking for flowers and now didn’t know how to return. The frog smiled and said: “Don’t worry, I know these paths well. If you keep flying downstream, you’ll reach a field full of sunflowers. From there, you’ll see the big tree where your hive is.”

Encouraged by the frog’s words, Belinda continued her journey. Before long, she arrived at the sunflower field the frog had mentioned. It was breathtaking: hundreds of giant flowers faced the sun, forming a golden sea. From there, Belinda managed to spot the familiar big tree in the distance. Her heart leapt with joy.

But just before starting the final leg of her trip, she saw a butterfly trapped in a spiderweb. The butterfly was desperately asking for help. Though she wanted to get home quickly, Belinda knew she had to assist. Using her tiny legs and wings, she carefully cut the sticky threads until the butterfly was free. “Thank you, Belinda,” said the butterfly gratefully. “You’re very brave.”

Finally, Belinda flew toward the big tree and entered the hive. All her companions were worried because she had taken so long to return. When Belinda told her story, the other bees were amazed to hear about the magical flowers, the river, the wise frog, and the grateful butterfly. The queen bee, who always watched over the well-being of her colony, congratulated Belinda for her bravery and kindness but also reminded her of the importance of not getting too distracted during work.

From then on, Belinda remained curious but learned to balance her adventurous spirit with responsibility. Additionally, she shared the secret of the bright purple flowers with the other bees, and together they organized expeditions to collect their special nectar. Thanks to her adventure, the hive became even more prosperous and filled with new flavors.

Belinda never forgot the lesson she learned that day: while it’s fun to explore and discover new things, it’s always important to remember the way back home. And from then on, every time she went out, she left small marks on the flowers so she would never get lost again.

End. 🌸🐝

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